Gougane Barra
Gougane Barra
Gougane Barra is located in a beautiful part of the Southern Ireland, perfect if you are looking for some of Irelands scenic and beautiful countryside to visit. This is a very popular place to visit and is picturesque what ever time you visit. On entering Gougane Barra you are met with the natural beauty of the hills which tower over Gougane Barra Lake and then the well known St Finbarr's Oratory or Small Church out in the Lake on the little island all on its own. The scenery in this area is breath taking and it offers the visitors a tranquil experience in this peaceful valley. Cork's River Lee has its source in Gougane Barra's Lake. It has many hiking trails and wooded walks for those who enjoy a hike or walk. The church here is the venue for many weddings and is probably one of the mot photographed church in Ireland.