“Harmonies of The Emerald Isle” Retreat Details

Kinsale Harbor

All the details of the retreat can be found on our learn more page at https://www.fitandhealthyjourneys.com/learn-more. Enjoy a sneak peak at some of our exciting program in this sample day. 

Sample retreat day

The mornings begin with an optional gentle wakeup yoga session at 8:00 led by Mary. After yoga gather for a traditional Irish breakfast prepared from locally sourced produce. At 10:30 join your fellow retreat members for a journaling activity. Weather permitting walk the local gardens and find a view that inspires you and describe it. Return to the manor and share your views with the group if you want and listen to what inspires your fellow retreat members. At 12:00 enjoy a relaxing lunch before hoping on a luxury coach headed for the beautiful town of Kinsale. Explore Ireland’s most colorful town by yourself or join your fellow retreat members and staff as they explore the Charles Fort constructed in 1677 and the James Fort constructed in 1602. Kinsale offers a wide variety of activities from the Ringfinnan Garden of Remembrance, dedicated to the firefighters who lost their lives in 911, to The Kinsale Mead Co, Ireland’s first meadery in 200 years. Return to the manor before dinner and help prepare a gourmet meal under the tutorage of a gourmet chef trained in Ballymaloe Cookery School. Ballymaloe cookery school has been training chefs from all over the world since 1938. Wind down the evening with a relaxing restorative yoga practice before you retire for the night into a peaceful slumber.


Wellness in the Irish Wilds A journey for Body and Soul


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