Hydration and Nutrition While on a Hike

Hiking on a beautiful day

 As we are in a heat wave both in the Pacific Northwest​ and in Southern California I would like to talk about the importance of hydration and nutrition on hikes.

Adequet hydration while hiking is so important and all too often people neglect this part. Is it that water is heavy and people don't want to carry it? Anyhow water is essential on every hike. How much water is enough on a hike? A general rule of thumb to keep adequately hydrated on a hike would be 250 mls for every 1/2 hour of hiking (plain water or maybe an energy type drink for longer hikes that use more energy) but of course this is going to go up or down depending on a few things, weather, time of day, and hiking intensity and your level of hydration prior to the hike. While doing my hike on Kiliminjaro I drank about 4 litres of water daily. This might seem high but it helped me complete this hike with no symptons of dehydration or altitude sickness. Drink at regular intervals before during and after hikes. Don't wait to feel thirsty as by then you are showing signs of dehydration.  And I know what you are thinking now! I will want to go pee often. No problem. Peeing on the ttrail is pretty straightforward. Bring some TP in a ziplock bag and head away from know water sources, the trail and campsites and find a private spot to go. Urine doesn't have much effect on animals. If possible, try to pee on rocks or gravel rather than plants.​ Place used TP back in ziplock bag and out it back in your backpack to be disposed of when you get home. Remember "leave no trace"

Nutrition is also important to keep your energy level​ opitimal​ during all hikes. Bring some trail mix or an apple for short hikes and if you are doing longer hikes bring some food that you like and will travel well. Protein bars with some energy gummies are an easy choice and you can get these in most grocery stores or sports stores like REI or Big 5 or make your own protein balls (see recipe below). Remember chocolate does not travel well. Remember to pack out all wrappers and leave no trace.

I always try to carry some emergancy food or snacks and an extra bottle of water in your backpack because on several occasions I was able to share with someone that needed something to get them the energy to complete their hike.

Anyone who goes hiking with me knows that I will not hike with them if they don't bring water. No exception. So many hiker rescues are because dehydration due to overheating and now that the weather is warm keep well hydrated. 

Happy hiking and stay safe.


My Six Essentials When Taking a Trip


Hiking Essentials (Part 3)