Take A Hike! Part 2

Mineral Ridge, CDA

There is nothing like the feeling of deciding to go on an exciting or new hike. Adrenaline surges in anticipation of an amazing adventure. However, as with all things in life, safety first. It is important and smart to consider the safety aspects of your hike before, during and after your hike.
For every new hike there are two important things to consider as you make your plan.
1. Check out the details of your chosen hike in regards to level of difficulty, elevation ratings and terrain to ensure that you have the ability to complete it successfully in terms of skills and fitness level. There is an app for that:) I use All Trails but there are others out there as well and Apple is coming out with their version soon.
2. To be successful on a hike especially it is a first time, or a new hike always go with someone who is an experienced hiker 
Before going on your hike here are a few things to consider
1. Check the weather forecast to ensure that you will be able to complete the hike successfully. If weather is expected, wear appropriate clothes. Rain doesn’t have to stop a hike but plan accordingly. 
2. Check when sunrise is if you start early and sunset if you start later so you can be done before the dark
3. If your hike starts in a state or public park, make sure to know the opening and closing of same
4. Make sure that you have all the equipment you need in good working order, batteries of phone fully charged and a backup battery. Lots of water to keep hydrated during hike and some good nutritious snacks in a waterproof backpack preferably to save your back and shoulders. A first aid kit, a whistle, some form of animal protection are essential parts of your hiking kit. More on that later.
5. Have a tank full of gas or your electric car fully charged to leave safely when hike is complete
6. Inform your family, friends or roommates of your hike, route and approximate time of completion
7. Do not share any of your hike plans on social media until you have completed your hike and are safely back.
During your hike
1. Keep your keys and electronics in a waterproof bag and wear bright clothing so you can be spotted easily if you get lost.
2. If at any time feel unsafe from weather conditions, terrain or level of energy know when to turn back. The trail will always be there tomorrow.
3. Drink lots of water to keep hydrated especially if it’s hot and wear protective gear to avoid sunburn, windburn etc.
4. If hiking a loop be aware of where the half point is so you know the fastest way back to your car and keep on the designated trail to avoid getting lost unless it is The Lost Man Trail:).

After your hike
1. Check your clothes for any ticks etc.
2. Eat a snack before your drive home.
3. Change out of any wet clothes, and change out of your hiking boots.
4. Complete your hiking trail app notes and when home safely share on social media if that is your thing.
5. Congratulate yourself for completing the hike, review any challenges you may have had and how you handled it so next time you are a better and stronger hiker as a result.
Hope this sets you up for a successful hike whether you are doing a local hike like Grasslands, or Tubbs Hill; or a MAJOR mountain hike like Kilimanjaro or anything in between.

Happy Trails


Hiking Essentials (Part 3)


Take A Hike!