Sunrises and Sunsets

A Glorious Sunset from the backyard

Yesterday I found myself captivated by the natural beauty of the sunset over Hauser Lake as I returned home from a delightful presentation by my friend Sherilyn on natural herbs and their medicinal benefits. I paused for a moment to appreciate this stunning event that takes place every day. Both the sunrise and sunset paint the sky like two fantastic book ends, highlighting all the events of any given day. Most days these spectacular events pass by unnoticed as most people don’t take the time to appreciate them.

                  Each sunrise is different and heralds a different day with unique experiences. From the bursts of magnificent color rising from the horizon to the sky, to more subtle hints of color, blending their way ever higher, each new beginning is an opportunity to be grateful for what we have rather than complain about the little annoyances that some mornings can bring. How do you see your sunrises? Are they a new opportunity? A new start to a new day, fresh and free of those things that drag you down?

                  Isn’t it crazy that one of nature’s most beautiful phenomena is something that happens daily but most people miss it? It is my favorite time of day. It’s a time for me to meditate, reflect and plan without the hustle and bustle that the day all to quickly brings.

                  Sunset and the end of the day brings that memorable moment when the sun hits the horizon and creates a spectacular glow with every shade of the rainbow bouncing off the clouds and painting the sky. They say that “when an artist dies, God lets them paint the sky to say goodbye”. Sunsets are an ending, but also a promise of the next day to some. There is an ancient nautical saying, “Red sky at night, sailors delight”, meaning that with a red sunset the next day’s weather will be favorable. Sunsets are much more widely watched than sunrises and many would argue that they are more beautiful. They provide the perfect time to reflect on the day. A sunset is calm and relaxing, especially after a hectic day and the perfect time to decompress and evaluate. Did you have a good day? Did you have a bad day? Did you have a bad five minutes that you let ruin the rest of your day?

                  Both sunrises and sunsets are a great time to pause and appreciate the magical moments nature gives us to reflect. Most do not last long, so taking the few minutes as the sun slips below the horizon or rises steadily to pause it is like a moment in an art gallery where the canvas changes every second.

                  We all need sunrises and sunsets in our lives. Little daily resets to break patterns and provide new chances. Each day brings new opportunity and if a day was bad, enjoy the sunset and let it wash it all away.


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