My Six Essentials When Taking a Trip

Ready to Travel

Whether you are taking a quick solo weekend trip or a soul-searching retreat to Anywhere, here is my list of must haves. These won’t make the trip any more perfect, but they will help you stress less, and enjoy your trip more. I always joke that when packing for a trip pack half the stuff and twice the money. 100% of the time we always have too many clothes and gear and most of the time a few extra dollars might have made the trip that much more memorable.

All jokes aside here is my list

 Photo ID. Maybe not a glamorous item but in most places an ID is necessary. Whether you are flying, renting a car, or maybe wanting a glass of wine at dinner (love it if you get carded) an ID is required. Travelling internationally a passport is necessary. Also, if something goes wrong an ID is necessary for identification. Also keep a photocopy of this ID in another part of your luggage in case the original goes missing.

 Sunscreen. This is often overlooked but should be on everyone’s essential list. Sunscreen can make your vacation fabulous, while a lack of it can ruin an otherwise amazing trip. Sun burn is not fun. Most often when on vacation you spend a greater amount of time outside with more exposure to the sun so protect yourself. Also when traveling there are occasionally restrictions on what kind of sunscreen to use (Hawaii for example) so arriving prepared will reduce hassle once you arrive.

Cash. Even while we now live in a cash free world cash will always be king especially in more remote places or maybe when the digital world comes to screeching halt due to some “technical difficulties.” Looking at you Microsoft. While credit cards are widely accepted in most places there are a few places that are not prepared for the digital era but know the value of the all-American dollar and will gladly accept it. I have seen over the year while travelling back to Ireland it is getting more and more digital but there are a few places that still only accept cash. Of course, tipping in cash is always preferred in most places.

Camera. Most of us now use our phone to take photos of our trips and they mostly do a great job, but a camera is great to have to maybe capture those sights with a lens specific to those sights. Also, if your phone got lost or damaged you have a backup plan to capture those amazing sights, and the quality is usually a little better too.

A Good Day Bag. One that you can carry all day without any discomfort. I suggest a backpack to house all the essentials listed above as well as other daily use stuff like wallet, water and snacks etc. Finding a good bag while traveling can be nearly impossible so bringing one with you that you are comfortable with can make all the difference.

 While not a tangible essential item that you bring along on a trip, letting someone know where you are going, is none the less an essential. Where and when you are traveling, where you are staying and the dates and times. What trains or buses or planes you are taking. If something doesn’t go according to plan having someone who is aware of your travel plans is super helpful. This is most important for those solo people who take trips alone. Getting lost or injured can be quickly remedied if someone knows your general whereabouts. Remember to check in with your person to let them know you arrived at each location safely. Location sharing on phones and smart watches is especially helpful for this. And also having someone to help change plans on the fly is extremely helpful in those times when you do not have internet access.

Bon Voyage!


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